Welcome to XaLyte,
We Are Happy To Introduce An All New Data Compression Method Which Compresses Files From 50% to 500%!
The 2025 Product of the Year! While this is a huge statement... the benefits of this technology may make this the IT product of the year.
What if I told you we could cut your disk space usage and bandwidth usage by more than 50%. You would save on time, infrastructure and throughput...
This product compresses data by 50% to 500%, decompresses on the fly and affords 100% lossless compression where the competition falls short all while using a miniscule library of approximately 500kb.
Introducing An All New Non-Classical Mathematical Lossless Data Compression Technology.
Advanced mathematical lossless data compression technology
• Mathematical lossless compression is designed for data with high information entropy, meaning it cannot be further compressed using existing technologies.
• Every byte of the decompressed file matches the original file exactly.
• This technology is applicable to both data storage and transmission.
• Currently, it can reduce data size by 50% or higher, effectively at least doubling storage capacity without hardware upgrades or increasing transmission speed by two times or more within
the same bandwidth.
To learn more on how to cut costs and create savings with our cutting edge, performance driven, data compression technology, please contact us with your questions.